【同义词辨析】 2020-08-03 完整perfect-intact

perfect: implies the soundness and the excellence of every part, element, or quality of a thing, frequently as an unattainable or theoretical state: a ~ set of teeth.   sound表示健康时emphasizes the absence of illness, weakness, or malfunction强调没有疾病虚弱异常,如an examination showed his heart to be sound体检显示他心脏健康;表示合理时implies a basis of flawless reasoning or solid grounds指具有无瑕的推理,坚实的基础,如a sound proposal for combating terrorism打击恐怖主义的合理建议;都表示"好",这里可以将sound译为完好)  theory理论,用于解释事物的原理principles,通常独立于被解释的事物a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained,如相对论进化论

whole: suggests a completeness or perfection that can be sought and attained or lost and regained: an experience that made him feel a ~ man again.  例句很常用

entire: implies perfection deriving from the integrity, soundness, or completeness: recorded the ~ Beethoven corpus.  integrity完整being whole and undivided,如upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty维护领土完整和国家主权,如integer整数、integral积分和微分相对)         corpus语料库a large collection of written or spoken texts

intact: implies retention of an original or natural perfection that might easily have been lost: somehow the building survived the storm ~. retain保留维持,指在有被夺走丧失的风险的情况下得以保留,如保留尊严dignity、政府控制权control of the government,古香古色old world character.

perfect完美: 指处处完好优越,常表示理论的、达不到的状态,whole完整: 表示这种完整可以寻求后获得失去后重获,entire完全: 指完整完全,intact完好无损: 表示在容易丧失的情况下得以保存

记忆方法: 1)首字母PWEI想成我们WE + 知识产权Intellectual Property<==完整知识产权

        2)完整的意思是没有残缺mean not lacking or faulty in any respect.